
The Merchant List page gives a list of all merchants with the ability to search by Name, MID, or External ID. It also has the option to use filters to search and categorize our merchant accounts. The Brands and merchants that are visible on this page are determined by the brands that are assigned to the user that is viewing the page.

<aside> <img src="/icons/unlock_gray.svg" alt="/icons/unlock_gray.svg" width="40px" /> User Role: Brand Manager, Support Specialist, User Manager, Pricing Administrator, Feature Manager, Platform Developer, Platform Owner, Onboarding Manager, Risk Analyst, Tax Analyst



The Merchant list page is split into a search and filter section and the list of the merchants that match the search or filter criteria.

This page also includes an export option to be able to export merchants based on brand, for preforming analysis on data points such as GPV, the time taken to go live, etc.

You will only see the list of merchants that are under the brands that you have access to.

Merchant List.png

There are ten columns across the list of merchants giving basic information for each merchant. Below is a list of the columns and a description of the information contained in the column.

Name Description
Name Name of the merchant
External Account ID The unique ID that is used to identify merchants outside the PayFac. This may be a POS-specific ID or a Salesforce ID
Processor Processor the merchant is using, Stripe or Adyen
Status Current status of the merchant account (Link provided to more info on the status flags)
Balance Daily Balance on account
Total Volume Total Volume the merchant has processed through the PayFac
MID The ID we use to identity the merchant within the PayFac
Live Mode Live account, or Test account
Date Created Date Merchant account was created
Date Enabled Date Merchant account was enabled

Merchant Name Link

The name of the merchant is a hyperlink to open the merchants account. From here, depending on your permissions, You will have access to their profile page, the payments from their customers, and their payouts page to validate the payout amounts they have received.

Brand Filtering

At the top of all pages in the PayFac portal you will find drop down menu that you have access to. One of these dropdown menus is for the Brand.

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Note: You will only see the brands in this drop down that you have access to.


Additional information on Brand navigation can be found here:

Brand Filter

Brand drop down list.png