
The Payment Portal is a dashboard included as part of our payments offering. It allows merchants to view or edit account details, review recent transactions, process new sales, access reports, and manage disputes. As an extra security measure, we’ve also hosted this page independently which means should the POS software ever experience any outages, this would continue to function and serve as a backup allowing the merchant to continue processing transactions without interruption.

Payments Page

This page shows all recent transactions processed through the POS or website. Date Ranges of up to 30 days can be used to filter the results as well as using the ‘Status’ filter or searching using the Transaction ID or Amount.

On the table below you can see the following information:

Each row can be clicked on which will show more information about the transaction.

This page can also be printed or exported using the icons at the top right-hand corner.

<aside> 💡 NOTE: It may take up to 5 minutes for a transaction to appear so if you don’t see it, please refresh the page.


To refund a transaction, click on the appropriate row and click on ‘Refund’ towards the bottom of the page.

<aside> 💡 NOTE: This action cannot be undone


Virtual Terminal

This page allows transactions to be accepted outside the point-of-sale. This is primarily intended for when the point-of-sale cannot be used. The following information can be collected on this page: